By S. Fancyson - 16/04/2013 23:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
How can I make this about me?
By Anonymous - 04/02/2022 18:01
By singkong duleng - 18/08/2018 15:00
It's political correctness gone mad!
By Anonymous - 30/09/2022 03:30
By tripb101 - 22/04/2009 18:47 - United States
This going to be fun
By A…… - 01/12/2024 05:00 - United States
By Mazzam - 19/11/2008 11:33 - France
By Nickolas Neffster - 05/10/2011 00:14 - United States
By bannana0zoom - 03/03/2012 08:06 - Canada
How rude
By drebel - 09/03/2011 22:27 - United States
By flyakite29 - 20/07/2009 16:36 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayBig time rookie mistake. That's something you buy together, not as a gift... especially a birthday gift. Birthday gifts should be sentimental and/or romantic. Maybe even playful. Lesson learned I hope... for your sake.
You definitely walked into that one, OP.
Rule #1: Never talk about her weight. Rule #2: If you think it may come back to her weight in any way, shape or form, see rule 1.
I'd be Glad... You don't have to be Fat to Workout, It's Healthy.
I should say YDI. You set yourself up for that one. But then again it's a lose/lose. One scenario since she talked about the treadmill she would have been disappointed that you didn't get her hint and bought it for her and scenario number two....well your FML. :/
Haha, you totally deserved it. There are many things you don't do in a relationship, very high up this list is indulging your wife in weight reduction program's or even discussing the possibility that she could do with losing weight. The correct answer is always to maintain how beautiful and physically fit she is. Even if it's not true. Don't say things like 'you are beautiful to me' or 'I love you no matter what you look like' and never EVER buy your wife a treadmill.
Where does it say he wanted her to lose weight? Exercise can maintain weight as well... if my partner got me a treadmill I'd be really happy; saves me getting a gym membership and if anything cardio's good for maintaining weight not just losing it. Not to mention the fact she hinted that she wanted one... OP's wife sounds like a right pain to me. Don't ask for something if you're going to bitch when you get it.
It's only an Fml so it's not easy to know fully. However, to me it reads like the months of mentioning a treadmill may have been more about seeking reassurance from her husband than him actually agreeing and buying the treadmill. Who knows.
Yeah...these things tend to happen.
If someone gave me a treadmill, that would be the best present ever.
Same happened to me. Can't win...