By anon - 04/12/2009 10:35 - Australia

Today, I got a birthday card in the mail from my aunt. I got all excited when I saw a cheque inside, but the cheque was addressed to the wrong name. Not only did my own aunt forget my name, I couldn't even bank the $60. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 191
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

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For some people, $60 can mean the difference between having groceries to eat and gas in the car for a week versus not. As a struggling student in my early 20's so broke I was wearing shoes with holes in the sole and eating Ramen every night, receiving $60 for my birthday would have been a huge blessing. I understand the OP's dismay at not being able to cash the check.

eighty_five 0

Please excuse Brad's stupidity. Not all of us Americans are inconsiderate dickheads.


ehh. I can't believe I read all these ******* comments. btw Kay you need to take a chill pill. learn to stop being such a drama queen.

pinkkloverr 0

i think that seriously sucks. especially if she might've done it on purpose knowing that you wouldn't be able to cash the check/cheque.

peacockfeather 0

OP, just tell your aunt she got your name wrong; if she's anywhere near nice, she'll send you another one. If she isn't, then tell her to stop being such a bitch.

How did she mail it to you if she got you're name wrong?

Wrong NAME doesn't mean wrong ADDRESS. If someone put your address on an envelope but put the name as 'Lady Gaga', you'd still get the letter.

jesonpiano 0

what the hell is up with the negative comments - who does it benenfit, you come out sounding like a heartless cruel cold and calculated masochist, which i'm sure everyone wants to be your friend, and idiots like me, get pissed off enough to tell you something you don't hear often enough, or too many times, shut up if you can't say anything humane. what is the point other than to piss people off. why are you taking up necessary air,

if you were smart like other people, you would've signed the name on the cheque... dumbass

CarterColbie 4


LaLaJoy 2

It's spelled "cheque" in Australia and other places, haha :)

60 dollers is such an odd number to give someone

lawllercoasters 0

its called a check not a cheque you ******* douche

You're the douche for not being aware of other spellings. If I went around calling people a douche every time I saw the word 'color', I'd get called far worse than that. Jeez.

@ lawllercoasters Not everyone on the planet lives in America you ******* loser, if you can read it says the OP is from Australia, therefore the spelling is 'cheque'

LaLaJoy 2

@ lawllercoasters If you'd read what I wrote two comments above, you would have known that.