Good for you
By denied - 11/08/2009 20:13 - United States

By denied - 11/08/2009 20:13 - United States
By Sash - 06/04/2012 21:04 - United Kingdom
By Username - 03/02/2011 18:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/09/2019 00:01
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 19:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/05/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 09/10/2012 12:12 - United States
By kingpig - 02/02/2012 18:00 - Sweden
By mariah_1_11 - 06/03/2010 05:14 - United States
By Braden - 28/10/2021 17:00
Awwww, what? Who tells their opposite-gendered friend their sexcapades, anyway? Dunno, seems weird to me. How cruel, but maybe this means he's not worth it.
my old best friend [who was a guy] used to tell me about all the girls he hooked up with... ahah
Ahah... my best friend who was a girl, I told her all about the girls I thought of and she told me about all her guy problems... And then we ended up dating... and still are :) There's nothing wrong with that... Just 'cause you dont do it.
holy shit im almost in the exact same position as best guyfriend tells me about his sex life all the time and i like should stop focusing on just him and start checking out other guys,theres prolly one out there that likes you, its not like your pathetically inlove with him right? put yourself out there and soon enough youll either find someone or the guy will realize that he likes you too =]
u r rlly nice and thats great advice!
Hai Five!!!
Want my number sweetie? I'll go on a date with you
Woah replies showing up, then disappearing. My reply to someone else got moved. What.... Also #4, it's weird because she must have said something if she asked him on a date, even if she didn't imply how strongly she liked her. What I mean is, it's inconsiderate of him to not consider her feelings, even if he did forget the date. And... apparently a lot of people secretly like their friends. But what mostly seems weird to me is that it would probably be awkward if I randomly went up to one of my guy friends and was like "I got laid last night, high five me bro!" I suppose it's not as weird for a guy, though, since usually it's the guy doing the... anything. Ahurr... Hopefully this doesn't get moved, but at least I identified who I am responding to this time... [edit]EXCEPT FOR WHEN THERE ARE TWO NUMBER FOURS WHAT OH GOD... So THIS is the 4 I was replying to last time... man FML you screwy something you.
Indeed. It sucks, but she kind of deserved it for being a doormat. Show some dignity, for god's sake. Why would you congratulate him when he just stood you up??
Wow that's not such a great friend.
Were you going out as FRIENDS, or did you both agree that it was something more?
FML made two fours, and switched my replies to both of them... I don't whaaaaat
Why would you Congratulate him? He had sex with another girl on your date.. I'd be livid if that happened to me. You don't deserve it but grow a back bone and tell him what he did. If you want something go for it
"Guy-friend", so probably not a date. He just thought the two of them were good friends who could ditch the other for action. She should have either told him her feelings or at least not congratulate him and told him she was expecting his text earlier/his company.
Y would u be lived? ur best friend just had something great happen to him obiouly they have a freat friendship whereeven somthing like this can't stop it
awww hes a fck bitch totally didnt deserved you
Were you going out as FRIENDS, or did you both agree that it was something more?
Awwww, what? Who tells their opposite-gendered friend their sexcapades, anyway? Dunno, seems weird to me. How cruel, but maybe this means he's not worth it.