By broke bitch - 23/06/2015 04:15 - United States - Hampton

Today, I got a call from my cable company in regards to a bill I didn't pay. I paid the bill two weeks ago in full, but they never told me the account changed when my name was put on the account. So now I owe $170 more, and my ex-roommate is getting a $140 refund in the mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 486
You deserved it 2 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how the stuff works, but refuse to pay. Also, hopefully you and your ex-roommate didn't depart on bad terms.

That's some pretty expensive cable. You must watch a lot of TV.


Prove to them you got the wrong account number and get the funds transfered to your account. If they refuse, keep climbing the chain until you get to the legal department.

MonstreBelle 29

I don't understand why people would think OP isn't responsible for the bill. The cable company can't accept payment from somebody whose name is no longer on the account, so they have to refund OP's roommate. Since OP's name is on the account, they are responsible for paying it. Not knowing isn't an excuse. It's the customer's responsibility to make sure they know and understand the terms of agreement before putting their name on any type of account, not the company's. It's part of being a responsible adult and sometimes you have to learn the hard way. The cable company didn't do anything wrong. OP did by assuming the cable company would accept a payment from someone who no longer lives there and whose name is no longer on the account. It sucks OP didn't know, but that doesn't mean it's okay to not pay the money they owe for a service they used.

They didn't accept a payment from someone who no longer lives there. They accepted a payment from the OP. The Cable company however failed to mention that the account she needed to pay on had changed. So now they are sending the money the OP paid to the roommate who no longer lives there and did not pay for the bill and are demanding MORE money from the OP.

Moron, why would they tell you how to handle your responsibility

So get the $140 from the ex-roommate. Let us know when the Judge Judy episode airs.