By mom21 - 08/02/2011 17:46 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter’s teacher asking me to come pick her up. My daughter wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. I left an important work meeting. When I got there she stated her boyfriend broke up with her and she couldn't emotionally make it through the rest of the day. She's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 493
You deserved it 7 983

mom21_fml tells us more.

WOW. First off, the only reason I posted this was because I called my husband to tell him about this and he thought itd be funny to post this on here. Now I wish I hadn't. Most of you people are more dramatic than my daughter. I made an account to defend my child. She's five. She was just being silly...

Top comments

if she were older I'd say YDI for thinking it wasn't important. but 5? LOL.

its pretty bad if a 5 year old feels that way. she's too young. FYL


WOW. First off, the only reason I posted this was because I called my husband to tell him about this and he thought itd be funny to post this on here. Now I wish I hadn't. Most of you people are more dramatic than my daughter. I made an account to defend my child. She's five. She was just being silly...

Sorry, OP! Some of us on here actually understood that it's just meant to be a silly and innocent anecdote.

Relax OP. You have to remember that a lot of the commenters on here haven't made it out of first grade either. It's a good FML, and definitely worth posting. Watch the thumbs ratings on the more outrageous posts to see how well they're received by the more sane people on here.

#77 I was trying to say what you just said, but I think it came out wrong. Meh.

panda_chick 2

it is very cute! I'm sure the ppl on here talking negatively don't have children and probably never around them.

OP, this is so something both my daughters would have done. They are still all

Hahahahahahahahahahagagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha she's gonna go far. Hahahaha

Dude, you're so rude! 5 years old. So judgmental! One little like that at 5 isn't going to determine the whole kid's future!

Alicia24_fml 0

That's cute. My brother does that all the time with "girlfriends" he meets at the park although he's 3.

That child is a damn good actor/liar.Really smart.She just got out of school free.

Yeah..u better handle her little fast self before she'll end up 16

if she's acting this way now imagine what it will be like when she's 16. I feel sorry for you.

I agree. I don't find this cute at all, I find it completely overdramatic. Yes, she is five, and kids say and do dumb things, but this is a little much for me. I'm also curious what kind of tv this kid is watching. Just cause Degrassi comes on Noggin doesn't mean it's for children. If I called my mom to come get me, I had to be running a fever or puking.

birdmansangel 0

I'm gonna guess that mommy is not married, and the little one overheard a conversation after the last break up.

skyeyez9 24

I was in 2nd grade when I got my first "boyfriend." By recess that same day, he dumped me saying "He didn't love me anymore." Instead of crying about it, I yelled at him that I hated him and never loved him anyways to protect my ego and hide my hurt feelings. It was the talk of the playground for about 10 minutes. Young love.