By mom21 - 08/02/2011 17:46 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter’s teacher asking me to come pick her up. My daughter wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. I left an important work meeting. When I got there she stated her boyfriend broke up with her and she couldn't emotionally make it through the rest of the day. She's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 493
You deserved it 7 983

mom21_fml tells us more.

WOW. First off, the only reason I posted this was because I called my husband to tell him about this and he thought itd be funny to post this on here. Now I wish I hadn't. Most of you people are more dramatic than my daughter. I made an account to defend my child. She's five. She was just being silly...

Top comments

if she were older I'd say YDI for thinking it wasn't important. but 5? LOL.

its pretty bad if a 5 year old feels that way. she's too young. FYL


nuttynatty7 0

y nt get ha a she culd pour ha young fuckdup soul out

cheeksMcgeeks 3

WHAT? Sorry I didn't quite catch that....

someone needs to retake first grade language arts again

Rough translation: "Why don't you get her a shrink, so she could pour her soul out." Meh, 'cause she's 5?!

UltimateGIRness 16

48-you my friend need a slap in the face with a dictionary

Boyfriend... wha... uh... *brain broke* ffzt bbp ghh '_________'

Do any of you people have children? Bar that, have you any of you people been around children? Drama queen? *****? Therapy? Are you ******* serious? She's five. All five year olds are emotional; it's called innocence. They don't censor how they feel. This seems like a natural reaction for many five year olds. I'd be a little miffed that the teacher or guidance person wasn't able to assess the situation properly but then I'd take my baby girl out for ice cream. The next day she'd be over it. In far too short of a time, when she's out of the house and the "important" work meeting is not even a dim memory, you will have this moment to cherish, OP. Sappy maybe, but true.

IN MY OPINION, you ate a very negative prick........

Ahahhahahahaaaaaa!! You've just made my top five favourite auto-correct typos list.

southerngalslove 15

Be a good parent and be there for her broken heart

the maturity ages are getting lowered every day, it seems.

wait till shes twenty though. She'll hopefuly learn to deal with drama before that.

your a bad parent that's all there is to it

rsmmsm 1

5?? aha wow, man I feel your pain, don't spoil her that much

No meeting is more important than your child.