By mom21 - 08/02/2011 17:46 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter’s teacher asking me to come pick her up. My daughter wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. I left an important work meeting. When I got there she stated her boyfriend broke up with her and she couldn't emotionally make it through the rest of the day. She's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 493
You deserved it 7 983

mom21_fml tells us more.

WOW. First off, the only reason I posted this was because I called my husband to tell him about this and he thought itd be funny to post this on here. Now I wish I hadn't. Most of you people are more dramatic than my daughter. I made an account to defend my child. She's five. She was just being silly...

Top comments

if she were older I'd say YDI for thinking it wasn't important. but 5? LOL.

its pretty bad if a 5 year old feels that way. she's too young. FYL


KingDingALing 9

Yeah! That's like saying "no ****" after you say something completely gay! For example, "Yo, how big is yo' dick? No **** though, you know, cuz I don't play dat **** shit." Just because you say "no ****" doesn't mean that you can say the gayest shit that comes to mind! And that was your random fact of the day. Brought to you by Ling-Ling.

ANECDOTE TIME: I remember my kindergarten boyfriend! We always played together, and swore to each other that we were getting married (that's what we called bf/gf relationships back then -- getting married), but he would always go, "EW, GROSS!" whenever I tried to hug or kiss him. This didn't seem to bother me much. Then one day, it was play time, and whenever you went to a certain station you had a name card, and you put your name card on this little hangy-hook thing. If the hook things were full, you couldn't play there yet. Well, this particular day, I got to the "Play House" area before my boyfriend did, and of course, so did another boy. Since the new boy got there first, I started "playing house" with him. When my boyfriend found out, he stared at me angrily, yelled, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO MARRY ME, BUT YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY HIM! WE'RE THROUGH!" and he ran away." This is where things get fuzzy; I don't really remember how I reacted to that, but I do know that we ended up playing blocks together later on in the day. This relationship lasted up until the first grade, when we broke up because it was too hard dealing with not being in the same class, and only being able to see each other during recess. I've seen this boy since then, and he thinks I just had a crush on him and claims to not recall the relationship. I don't press the issue, but I'll tell you what: he is FINE and I would totally "date" him for real now if he didn't have a real, serious girlfriend. The end.

cheeksMcgeeks 3

Tl;DR The girl is FIVE. Please stop.

I completely expected to see "wee-woo" at the end of that speech.

I actually feel like an idiot posting all of that. But that story is always amusing to me. I guess it isn't as amusing as I thought. Sorry =

rockyraccoon28 8
nisey3313 11
sallen0046 4

Who taught her this behavior is appropriate and acceptable? Children don't just do these things, they have to learn the behavior. You need to start doing some serious damage control, because if she's already being this dramatic at five, she's never going to make it through puberty.

you might want to rethink your parenting skills...

That's cute! My five year old cousin came home from school one day and told his mom that he broke up with his girlfriend because his life was "getting too stressful."

I wonder if this is who OP's daughter got dumped by...

fthku 13

I find it disturbing that you think a 5 year old saying his "life is too stressful" and therefore he broke up with his "girlfriend" is cute. That is FAR from cute. Do you also think 5 year old girls should have cellphones and wear make-up? OP, like many people said, your daughter's gonna be a handful when she's a teenager. Not because she HAD a "boyfriend"- I never had a "girls=germs" phase and I had several "girlfriends" in kindergarten- it's because of the drama added to it. Well, I over-used "" in this comment.

sallen0046 4

Yeah, it's cute when they come home and tell you stories. It's completely unacceptable when you have to leave work and miss a meeting to pick them up from school thinking something is seriously wrong.

soccer4life20 9

awww!!! that's adorable! haha sorry about ur meeting though.... : /