By mom21 - 08/02/2011 17:46 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter’s teacher asking me to come pick her up. My daughter wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. I left an important work meeting. When I got there she stated her boyfriend broke up with her and she couldn't emotionally make it through the rest of the day. She's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 493
You deserved it 7 983

mom21_fml tells us more.

WOW. First off, the only reason I posted this was because I called my husband to tell him about this and he thought itd be funny to post this on here. Now I wish I hadn't. Most of you people are more dramatic than my daughter. I made an account to defend my child. She's five. She was just being silly...

Top comments

if she were older I'd say YDI for thinking it wasn't important. but 5? LOL.

its pretty bad if a 5 year old feels that way. she's too young. FYL


aww come on she's 5 lol you guys will laugh at this when she's older it will be those funny stories you tell :p

kaylernes 0

this is totally off topic. did taylor swift really take a picture with you??!! :0 I'm jealous!!

mintcar 9

By boyfriend she probably meant her favorite play date or something.

Use your imagination. Think of someone who thinks a 5 year old girl is going to turn into a ***** because she acted out. That's a futzbucket.

tundraman07 0

#10: wtf you just sound like an idiot, stfu..

#24 ur an ass she had to leave her work which clould have got her fired

So? For children that young, the definition of "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" is vastly different-- it usually means someone to hold hands with on the playground and someone to sit next to at snack time.

#29, that's exactly what I was thinking. My twin niece has a little boyfriend. it's not like she's going to start doing things early. Really it's just someone to play with. And in our situation, they don't see it at the house, or tv.