By BrokeAsAJoke - 29/03/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, I got a chance to have dinner and a movie with a girl I've liked for a while. I ran late, so in a hurry to make the movie, and trying to be smooth for her, I told the waiter I'd "take care of him" if he made it fast. He did. When he brought the check, I realized I had forgotten my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 298
You deserved it 64 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That could have happened to anybody. I feel your pain!


wow so what did yall do did you make her pay or just run out? either way you're probably not getting a second date

braFTW 0

The list of things to check before leaving home goes: wallet, keys, clothes.. You should've checked.

eeee93757 0

Still a chance to "take care of him"....... LMFAO jk

SuperStud 0

Smart. At least you remembered to get dressed. YDI. Try to think next time.


I bet the waiter took a good care of you then... lmao :)))

ejvlols 0

I'm pretty sure there were a very similar FML already on the site

Waiter probably beat the shit outta you.

If she has a CC, have her pay and pay her back. Even better, pay her back more than it cost. Ex. $70, give her a hundred.

kellster 2

Did you mean that to sound like "blow him"? Because if I were that waiter, I'd totally have expected that. I think anyone would, honestly. If you're dating a girl, what are you doing propositioning waiters just to make your date go more smoothly?! Sounds like you should maybe stick with the waiter next time and spare the girl her future grief, lol. Also: always take your wallet when you leave the house. That's a good one to remember. :P