By BrokeAsAJoke - 29/03/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, I got a chance to have dinner and a movie with a girl I've liked for a while. I ran late, so in a hurry to make the movie, and trying to be smooth for her, I told the waiter I'd "take care of him" if he made it fast. He did. When he brought the check, I realized I had forgotten my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 301
You deserved it 64 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That could have happened to anybody. I feel your pain!


You should have urinated in the waiter's anus and then told him to fart on the girl.

Hahahaha #43, wtf. Sucks that you forgot your wallet... but your fault for not remembering essentials. Do a check off, even if you're in a hurry to leave your house.

Forget your wallet... on a date... mind currently being boggled... Be smart next time.

Dating tip number one: When you intend to pay for a meal and such, be sure to take your wallet. That is all.

Madman19 0

Well, on the bright side, if she's worth it and not dating you just to see what you're packing in your wallet, it'll be something you both laugh about down the road.....unless the waiter made you both clean the dishes for about 2 hours.

lol!!! omg, thats so embarrassing!!!!

KilgoreTrout_fml 0

"take care of him"? Who says that? Were you going to give him a big tip or be his sugar daddy???

i agree with #50. and how did she take it how did the rest of the night play out?

So That Means No More Money 4 The Movie Either