By wowzersthatsucks - 29/06/2009 17:31 - United States

Today, I got a facebook relationship request from my crush of 2 and a half years. I was so excited until he posted on my wall, "Sorry wrong Catherine". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 289
You deserved it 5 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so you think without even asking you out, he would send a relationship request?

FYL for having a crush on someone who would ask you out via facebook...


erroneousx2 0

Ouch! Sounds extremely painful.

QueenOfMelodrama 0

That sucks. But at the same time, you deserve it for getting excited. If it was real, I'd be pretty annoyed because that's a HORRIBLE way to ask somebody out. So I would automatically assume it was fake until proven otherwise.

Tucker28 0

that wuld soo happen to me!!! i have like horrible luck with shit like that. I got a message on myspace from my crush that m totally in love with inviting me to the dance with him. then he messaged me back saying "Sorry Aubry, I ment Traci." It sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Umm, i think i might know you. I went to school with a person named Catherine about 2 and a half- 3 years ago. A lot of people said she liked me and i liked her. So if there is anyway you could contact me on here pls do so.

Umm, i think i might know you. I went to school with a person named Catherine about 2 and a half- 3 years ago. A lot of people said she liked me and i liked her. So if there is anyway you could contact me on here pls do so.

Do you have ANY idea how common the name Catherine is?! Don't try to use FML to pick up chicks, weirdo.

Now I'm getting the feeling my name is common. -_- lol

Ok, Now I officially see my name is very common -.-

l3allin_all_day 0

lol at least he said sorry

wow, that's really pathetic that you rely on facebook to begin a relationship with someone.

You're pathetic for having a crush on someone for 2.5 years and not at least attempting to make a move..