By wowzersthatsucks - 29/06/2009 17:31 - United States

Today, I got a facebook relationship request from my crush of 2 and a half years. I was so excited until he posted on my wall, "Sorry wrong Catherine". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 289
You deserved it 5 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so you think without even asking you out, he would send a relationship request?

FYL for having a crush on someone who would ask you out via facebook...


catandthehatxo 0

it happens... don't let it get you down RI

fyourlife33 0

You're a ******* dumbass and deserve it for thinking he randomly asked like that and what an awful name.. You suck terribly

Thats not an awful name! Thats my name too! Just spelt differently! Dont be an asshole.

cms70 0

You're name sucks more than mine! *sticks out tongue @ fyourlife33!* na na na na na!! See! I can say stupid things just like you! (My name is Catherine as well) FYL dude, you're obviously not getting laid enough if you have to sit online and tell people they suck just because of what their parents named them!

ergo_fml 13

Why would you suddenly be in a relationship you had no idea about?

I don't think u deserved it, but u don't even know u and I can tell u that u deserve somebody better than a guy who asks u out via facebook. that really sucks tho :-(

bettyboop274 0

YDI , it's pretty dumb if you think someone's going to ask you out over a facebook relationship status. That's like a text message break up.

You should change your name to "stupid" that way he won't get confused next time.