By Anonymous - 09/04/2015 15:10 - United States

Today, I got a 'Good Morning' text from my boyfriend. Since I hadn't gotten one of those in a while, I thought it was rather nice. That is, until I saw the picture that accompanied it. It was of him, sitting on the toilet and taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 659
You deserved it 3 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


my friend calls those "poopsies". like selfies but on the toilet.

Hopefully it was a scratch n sniff picture!

NutellaBear 3

Most men enjoy their bathroom time, so he was just sharing something special to him. Photoshop him bubbling in the picture and return it to him...

I feel like that's something I would do in a relationship haha. I can see how that can be annoying but I think I would get a good laugh out of it. Love can be expressed in different ways I guess

imahobbitlol 24

I send selfies to my boyfriend while I take a shit. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

How romantic, "Hey honey I just took a huge dump and thought of u!"