By dogshavenipples - 02/06/2010 23:15 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a huge bill through the post. It turns out that my elderly mother made the vet come out to my house to see the dog while I was out, because she was scared of the little growths she had found on his body. They were nipples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 611
You deserved it 2 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darling, I really hope you had your mother handle the bill. No excuse for her to be spooked over simple body parts. She could have very well called you up and asked you about it too.

um....I don't think she could have attained "Grandma" status without having had sex at least ONCE.....


All I have to say is, did the bill fit in your mailbox?

How did your mother breast feed you if she couldn't recognize what a nipple is?

doglover100 28

Reminds me of the FML where the OP saw something pink come out of her dog. She went to the vet but it was the dog's penis.

The OP's username is "dogshavenipples"... LOL