By dogshavenipples - 02/06/2010 23:15 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a huge bill through the post. It turns out that my elderly mother made the vet come out to my house to see the dog while I was out, because she was scared of the little growths she had found on his body. They were nipples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 611
You deserved it 2 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darling, I really hope you had your mother handle the bill. No excuse for her to be spooked over simple body parts. She could have very well called you up and asked you about it too.

um....I don't think she could have attained "Grandma" status without having had sex at least ONCE.....


True it is their milk lol! My preggo friend said it tastes bitter and weird. I just looked at her shockingly with that nice piece of info. Psssh who wouldn't drink chocolate flavored lactating milk? I'd pay for some! xD

Lol yay for free chocolate milk!!! I'm sure you would be curious to try it xD. I was almost tempted to ask my friend to try some but stopped myself cause that would have sounded alil awkward!

according to tv you can milk a hampster. also, according to Ben stiller you can milk anything with nipples

Lol knowing her she would have expected me to say something like that! I so will! As soon as I start lactatcing the choco milk I'll send you a gallon or so for freeeeee! lol

superbadd 0

#56, because he didnt tell his mother that his dog has nipples? I clicked the other button thought so i could be wrong

Chaotonic 2

I wonder why the bill cost so much though, was it just for the house run? Or was the vet like "Hmm since I'm here I might as well do a full check up + shots, for all my trouble"

Yeah, my comment was actually going to be something along the lines of 'get a new vet'. It just seems wrong of him/her to charge an elderly, possibly senile, woman so much just to drive out and look at nipples. I guess if the vet took the opportunity to do some other work it makes sense. Hope that's what happened.

I know a few vet-employed animal lovers who might charge a lot. They'd do it to show their disapproval of the OP's choice in pet-sitters. Not agreeing here, just sayin.

iloveTheMiz 0

Your mother is soo retarted!