By collegedoesntwantme - 07/03/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, I got a letter from my college saying that if my tuition was not paid in the next 24 hours, I will be terminated from classes. Turns out account services has been depositing my tuition money in another student’s account whose social security number was one digit different from mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 414
You deserved it 3 262

yeeesh tells us more.

yeeesh 0

my ssn was correct, but some dumbass work-study in account services was handling payments apparently and somehow put the mailed checks from my parents into someone else's account. my parents came in person to pay by check after i got another letter saying i was to move out of my dorm since the tuition still hasn't been paid. all they could say was, "oh, we're sorry, but here's your money back," after i was humiliated by eviction from my dorm room and already suspended from classes.

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

It looks like something could be fixed then, I'd think. I know they'd want YOU to check and make sure the SS was the same but if some stoned work-study typed it in wrong and you EXPECTED to see your SS when you checked the info . . . it's easy to see that's why you didn't catch the mistake. Of course, the other student ALSO should have checked to see why their account was being paid off so fast, too. Me? I think that student owes the money back or else, the univeristy immediately needs to reactivate your account (read, pay it) and go after THAT other student. Pronto. And, they need to find out exactly who typed in that number wrong and send them to the unemployment line or suspend them from school if they're a student.

I know this comment is almost two years old, but I had to point out the fact you used two semicolons incorrectly. :/


Was this a fault of yours; did you write the wrong social security number; or is this the fault of someone else? The answer to this question decides if it's FYL or YDI

I know this comment is almost two years old, but I had to point out the fact you used two semicolons incorrectly. :/

TryToBeKind 0

It looks like something could be fixed then, I'd think. I know they'd want YOU to check and make sure the SS was the same but if some stoned work-study typed it in wrong and you EXPECTED to see your SS when you checked the info . . . it's easy to see that's why you didn't catch the mistake. Of course, the other student ALSO should have checked to see why their account was being paid off so fast, too. Me? I think that student owes the money back or else, the univeristy immediately needs to reactivate your account (read, pay it) and go after THAT other student. Pronto. And, they need to find out exactly who typed in that number wrong and send them to the unemployment line or suspend them from school if they're a student.

toughchick14 15

dude, we do want to now how it worked out, pleas tell us Ö

My_Little_Pony 0

Magic. Magic is the answer here.

Ultima22 0

Why would anyone vote "you deserved that one". That is in no way your fault...

#8 Some people are real dicks here I have noticed. XD

lol that happened to me too. it was such a nightmare.

jackaaa 0

Well at least that can be fixed.