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By promdump - 07/03/2009 02:55 - United States

Today, I went to visit my Grandmother, accidentally leaving my phone home during the weekend. When I got back I had 2 texts from my crush. One saying "I want to take the most beautiful girl to prom, go with me?" and the other saying, "Fine fattie, I'll ask someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 461
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you arn't going to prom with someone with apparent massive insecurities and who calls you "fattie" when you miss a text. **** This Moment for you ... FHL.


Wicked361 8

if that was me I would call him an inconstruction jerk then I would lie and say my grandma was in the hospital and I rushed leaving to see her the whole weekend:)

Comet_Candy 23

I believe they meant inconsiderate.

magnetic_aura 26

#80 - Me too. People know how to play on insecurities. :-(

Sensing more than a little insecurity on his part...

At least you arn't going to prom with someone with apparent massive insecurities and who calls you "fattie" when you miss a text. **** This Moment for you ... FHL.

I don't think she missed it, I think the grandmother texted back something rude. Or, at least, that's what I thought... at first... for some reason...

#87 you're really dumb. how could the grandma text something back? the OP didn't have her phone with her. Read much?

okay, if he's asking you to prom via TEXT MESSAGE - he's not worth it.

jennaleighhh 0

i agree with 7. asking through text is one of the most unclassiest ways to do it. and then proceeding by calling you fattie? you should be happy youre NOT going to prom with him. hes a bit two-faced if you ask me!

Lasagnaa 24

8- I know this is random but you look like Angelina from Jersey Shore

punjabtimelord 18

Looking like anyone from jersey shore is hardly a compliment, more the opposite.

roflcoptin 0

like everyone else has said i don't think he's worth it but if you really like him you should call him back and explain what happened

yeah but you can make him feel guilty too just imagine this: This weekend I finally decided to ask this girl I like to prom. I sent her a text asking, and when she didn't answer I texted, "Fine fattie, I'll ask someone else." I then found out that she had spent the weekend with her grandmother and I am now without a date. FML

There would be mostly "YDI"s on that one.

TryToBeKind 0

Sounds like your crush is awfully impulsive and selfish. I'd text back/call back (or better yet, if they're the timid type) go face-to-face and sweetly inform them that you would have (emphasis on the past tense) loved to go with them but . . . you're sort of glad you accidentally left your phone behind because now you see their true nature and are glad you didn't waste your time.

Uh you should of answered.... And thank you #9. That's reasonable.

She didn't have her phone? How was she supposed to answer it?