By Severus_Snape_ - 20/09/2015 07:11 - United States - Los Angeles
Severus_Snape_ tells us more.
Wow, this is the first time one of my FMLs have been accepted! I googled whatever was happening on my arm, and I think 26 may or may not be right. According to the internet, if should go away in a few days, and it was a spider bite. But ever since I was a kid, I've always attracted some weird bug bites, but this has never happened to me before. Unfortunately, I am the type of person that will twist my wrist and still just say that I'm fine. Like that time where I threw up twice when I was 11 years old and still insisted that I was well enough to go to school, only to be sent back home when I threw up again. I applied some type of cream thing on the bite, and it has gotten better. It'll probably go away in a few days. Hopefully.
Top comments
You might wanna get that checked out
Ikr. Geez get off ur device and get to a doctor.
Considering it sounds like a tick, yeah.. which can lead to Lyme disease.
nah hes being paranoid
How does it sound like a tick? Ticks burrow their teeth in and hold on for dear life, the one thing they DON'T do is crawl around. This sounds like some kind of terrifying tropical parasite..
why go to the doctor? after all, you are severus snape. make some potion god damn it!
You might want to see a doctor before it crawls up to your face as well. As far as we know, that is how mutations occur :P
I don't understand why this got thumbed down. Lol.
@18 I don't understand why it's been thumbed UP. That shitty situation joke gets buried in down facing thumbs but these jokes rarely go sub zero, despite being equally as bad and repetitive.
I think we all know who made a "shitty situation" joke and got thumbed down.
Naw. It's just the double standards on this site makes me laugh sometimes.
That jokes must really pest him off
You're pesting me off, that isn't proper grammar.
I guess 42 just isn't punny enough.
You should probably go to the hospital
don't sugar coat you forget to mention there tracker jackers and now his family is going to all die
Nah, just put some Neosporin on it, OP will be fine
Get a mosquito bite on your other wrist and you will look like popeye the sailor man.
If op Smoke some weed with pipe instead of having spinach then he would be able to do that..
Showing up to a hospital stoned sounds awful (op really should get it checked out)
Knowing you've been bitten must really be getting under your skin. but in all seriousness, get it checked out as soon as you can.
That sounds more like a spider bite. Since it's going upward you really should see a doctor!
might be a bug inside you?
I agree. It sounds like it might be a case of cutaneous larva migrants (an infection caused by a hookworm). These parasites may be found in the intestines of dogs, cats, and other animals and are spread through through skin contact with droppings on the ground or other surfaces. I highly recommend that you see a doctor soon. Also, wear shoes at all times when outdoors. If you have a pet, you may want to take them to a vet to get them de-wormed.
This isn't a probably or a should or a maybe GO TO THE DOCTOR! If it's moved like that in less than a day and your doctor can't see you, GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM!

You might wanna get that checked out
You should probably go to the hospital