By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 15:26 - Australia

Today, I got a text from my girlfriend saying she needed more phone credit, so I bought her more and got another message saying "Great, now I have enough credit for this..." as she spelled out a three page message breaking up with me. Yes, I paid for her to break up with me via text. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 848
You deserved it 8 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nate04 0

If she is going to be that way, I would consider that money well spent... Now, get up, dust yourself off, and go buy yourself a lapdance or something. :)


That's what u get for paying for the skanks phone. Ha! Loser!

mk1o3o 0

wtf is phone credit... am i the only person who hasn't heard of this?

Kalofinator 0

You can't text message break up!! That's such a cowardly and bitchy way to do it, I'm sorry that happened to you :(

Why were you paying her phone bill in the first place? Next time let her pay for her own phone. and I definitely agree with #11's idea.

...Why would receiving texts cost her money?

Toas7 0

See you auntie! lol : P (Hopefully SOMEONE'll get it.)

dude. you shouldn't do that. you might get taken advantage of.