By whatadaydanny - 10/10/2012 13:58 - Dominica

Today, I got a text message from my boss that read, "You've been very bad. Severe punishment is in order." I'm not sure whether I should be turned on or terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 239
You deserved it 2 959

whatadaydanny tells us more.

I replied with a simple "Oh really?"; pretty mid-ground comment if you ask me :) And she is a woman. In the office right now and she just smiled at me.

Top comments


lacespace 8

Definitely turned on. Desk sex baby.

olpally 32

Sounds like the start of a hot porno or a vicious bloodbath... Lol...

unknown_user5566 26

Sounds like s/he has been reading 50 Shades, judging by their jargon. Walk up to him/her and bite your lip. You'll soon have your answer re: turned on or terrified.

unknown_user5566 26

****. I didn't make any sense just now. Keep movin', nothing to see here...

^ And yet somehow, you still managed to collect a dozen up thumbs by the time I read your post. :) Interesting....

skullofdarkness 18

I understood it perfectly fine... Unless I misunderstood...

"I'm not sure *if I should be turned on or terrified." Sorry, but that sentence, as it's written in the FML doesn't make much sense.

And yes, grammar nazis, I just noticed I forgot a comma in the second sentence.

Believe me, you didn't get downvoted for the missing comma.

I realize that. I likely got down voted because the mods also noticed it didn't make sense and edited it. It originally read, "I don't know whether OR NOT I should be turned on or terrified." The "or not" part doesn't make any sense when it proceeds two options. That is what I was pointing out.

mykelinva 4

Look on the bright side. It is the beginning of a sexy relationship or a great lawsuit! Either way you win!

davek 36

That depends on whether you have a crush on your boss, and whether it actually was your boss and not a drunken friend.

Your location is Dominica... D/a massive represent!

Hmmmmm the boss's wife thinks you're ugly, right?

I would just show it to him the next day and ask him to clarify.

unknown_user5566 26

Where's the fun in that? Far too logical for a situation like this.

Just imagine if it was a sexy email intended for somebody else and OP received it in error! So rare are the moments when you can humiliate your boss and it's totally justified, and probably won't result in getting fired! Or what if it was a sexy email intended for OP and OP showed it to his boss very professionally and deadpan and said, "Sir/ Ma'am, what exactly do you mean by that?" And then the boss would have to explain it! OP, that is I brilliant idea and you should definitely do it! It will be hilarious!

The term for what OP is feeling is "scare-roused".

Kind of what I'm feeling looking at your profile pic...

Someone has excellent taste in cartoons :)