By whatadaydanny - 10/10/2012 13:58 - Dominica
whatadaydanny tells us more.
I replied with a simple "Oh really?"; pretty mid-ground comment if you ask me :) And she is a woman. In the office right now and she just smiled at me.
Top comments
Fifty Shaadeeesss
Id be like wtf and quit...
Depends on how your boss plans to punish you :P
Due the bastard
Yeah! That bastard is DUE! Turn the ************ back into the library and pay your overdue fees! didn't...mean due, did you?
You indicate that you are a man, but you do not indicate if your boss is a man or a woman. If your boss is a man, buy vasoline and tissues and be terrified... If your boss is a woman, buy wine and flowers and be turned on... Unless you...., well...., you know....
A bit of both?
I'd be turned on and terrified. Make it simpler
Is your boss Jennifer Anniston?