By Anonymous - 19/04/2016 02:43 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a ticket for being drunk in public. I was walking a couple of blocks from the bar to my house, because I didn't want to drive drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 571
You deserved it 2 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zebra3_fml 7

Welcome to America 2016. The police don't want to help you, they just want to throw the book at you. Two decades ago, that cop would have walked you the one block to your house and told you to sleep it off.

that's the FSM's way of telling you that you should have stayed at the bar and gotten plastered


ashyash90 8

were you being rowdy? I don't get why they'd even posy attention to you if you were just quietly walking.

You were considered to be so drunk in public that you could not exercise care for your own safety or the safety of others. It is against the law and it is dangerous. If you want to drink until you are comatose, do it at home or have someone to take care of you. At the very least you could have called a taxi and asked the driver to escort you home. Just because you had the option to do worse doesn't mean that the option you took was any good.

Helldemon 32

You know what they say when you assume, right? So maybe you should stop making an ass out of yourself.

Actually i don't, enlighten me. Also, how exactly assuming the policeman was wrong is better than assuming that a drunkard was?

You know what OP? Yeah, maybe you should have shelled out for a cab, (safer for you not to walk home drunk - most alcohol related fatalities involve a sober driver and drunk pedestrian, not the other way around) but kudos for not driving drunk. You got shafted with the ticket, but you were being much more responsible than driving drunk.

Contest the ticket. Any judge worth half his salt will have the whole thing thrown out and will probably tell the officer that gave you the ticket that he was out of line.

Once you learn the system you will realize there is an extra tax for everything you tried to avoid that by walking home so...

BloodyGlass 10

"Okay, officer. Next time, I'll drive drunk, because you clearly don't want me walking while drunk." X)