By Anonymous - 19/04/2016 02:43 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a ticket for being drunk in public. I was walking a couple of blocks from the bar to my house, because I didn't want to drive drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 571
You deserved it 2 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zebra3_fml 7

Welcome to America 2016. The police don't want to help you, they just want to throw the book at you. Two decades ago, that cop would have walked you the one block to your house and told you to sleep it off.

that's the FSM's way of telling you that you should have stayed at the bar and gotten plastered


Wait wait wait. You can get a ticket for being drunk in public without doing anything else?!? That's really werid if i may ask where in the US does that apply so i can avoid those places?

It is in the state laws. Generally at discretion of the police officer, if a person is intoxicated enough to be a danger to himself and others, he is put into custody for a few hours to sober up and might get a ticket. It is easily avoided by not drinking like a pig at least outside your or your friend's house.

You're the person the guy in my driver's ed class talked about. I have a solution for this:Don't get drunk.

Wow, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

When I was 18, I also received a WWI. I had to go to court and everything. I thought "What are they going to make me do???? Make meDRIVE everywhere???

Umm if you live in the US then I'm guessing you didn't get in trouble for walking home while drunk but for being drunk 3 years before you were legally allowed to drink.

Umm I'm guessing they don't live in the US or they wouldn't have told that story like that... Not everyone is American, you know.

Make my day and like my comment please?

TomeDr 24

At first I though "how unfair!" But now I'm wondering if you were being really obnoxious or loud. Were you yelling at people or banging on doors or something?

You havent watched ron white have you. Its a thing. Its legal for them to give you a ticket. Just pay it and move on.