By MomStayOutOfTheCar - 04/08/2015 04:23 - United States

Today, I got a ticket for "suspicious driving" because my total shit of a mother kept tugging on the wheel to annoy me, and I still had to pay it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 007
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time make her sit in the back, just don't let her drive with you at all.

mom_of_5 10

Next time, tell her you'll turn the car around and NO ONE will be getting ice cream :-) On a more serious note, in majority of traffic tickets if you take the time to actually go to court and plead no contest, they'll waive the ticket and have you pay just court costs.


SaniK 17

That's a really good way to get into an accident. I don't care who you are you do not touch the drivers wheel when they are driving or distract the driver. I would have pulled over and not continued until she agreed to stop.

LadyLuck93 20

Dont ever take her for a car ride again.. I dunno thats just ridiculous of her to do, not just the fact that you've received a ticket, but ur safety is #1

"Suspicious driving" is not a real legal thing you can get a ticket for. Take it to court. Police don't get to invent law on the fly.

You can get pulled over for suspicious driving and get a wreckless driving ticket.

I would have told the officer what she was doing.

And that would be the last time I drive my mother anywhere. Hell, I would have kicked her out right then and there.

RedPillSucks 31

at court, explain what happened. they'll probably drop it, if not, ask for a PJC (Prayer for Judgment Continuance)

Geckosrock99 33

Is she not a driver or something? It should be common sense not to mess with the driver while the car is in motion. Make her pay it and refuse to give her rides. Can't believe someone would do something so dangerous just for ***** and giggles. She could have caused a collision.

You could pretend to lose control next time she does that so he may not do that anymore

You don't pretend to loose control of a vehicle. What would happen if OP did do that and really did loose control of their vehicle??? What then? That could cause a crash, kill someone, kill an animal, hit a pedestrian, hit a parked vehicle. So I don't think that's pretending to loose control is a smart suggestions on your part, joking or not.