By MomStayOutOfTheCar - 04/08/2015 04:23 - United States

Today, I got a ticket for "suspicious driving" because my total shit of a mother kept tugging on the wheel to annoy me, and I still had to pay it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 007
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time make her sit in the back, just don't let her drive with you at all.

mom_of_5 10

Next time, tell her you'll turn the car around and NO ONE will be getting ice cream :-) On a more serious note, in majority of traffic tickets if you take the time to actually go to court and plead no contest, they'll waive the ticket and have you pay just court costs.


Plead no contest, and have your mom pay for it.

You don't get ticketed for suspicious driving. If you received a ticket it was for another offense the officer found while he stopped you.

Clearly not true #12. Op probably did get pulled over for that, then the officer sited them for wreckless driving. My Dad was a Cop and that's one way they can site it as. Thank-You!!

fotomiep 7

While reckless driving is a bad thing, don't think people should be cited for wreckless driving.

That sucks op, next time you should make her get a bus

saffy66 34

In your place I'd have stopped the car after the first instance and put her out. What kind of idiot messes around with the steering wheel while someone is driving?

No way I'd continue driving if someone is messing with the wheel while I do so. I'd have pulled over immediately. That's so dangerous

icarusflyte 5

she should pay the ticket for you.

I'd never get in a car with her again if I was in this situation. Not only is what your mother did annoying but it's also downright dangerous for her, you and everyone else on the road.

Sandman2015 12

No, YOUR mom still has to pay it. She's the one that got you the damn ticket in the first place.

If the ticket is under OP's name, the mom has no legal responsibility to pay the ticket. Only OP does. I would be asking her for money, and if she refuses, then cut her off from favors/help, and or visits for a while.

Han: "I don't know. Fly casual." Chewie: " Rwa wrar".