By KingKralj - 04/12/2016 21:49 - United States - San Ramon

Today, I got an expensive drone for my birthday. My brother got a BB gun and thought it would be hilarious to shoot my drone with it while I was flying it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 807
You deserved it 861

KingKralj tells us more.

Holy sweet shit, this got posted! Hello guys, OP here! I was angry when making this FML that I left out some pretty important details :P So here we go. My bro and I were having an argument about something stupid, and it escalated pretty bad. I hate full on yell-fests, so I left the scene and decided to fly my drone to relax. My brother, on the other hand, somehow got drunk and thought it would be a good idea to shoot my drone with his BB gun for revenge (no, he didn't get it on my b-day nor are we twins. He had it for a while). Long story short, he loaded the gun and shot my drone several times over. I yelled at him for like 10 seconds (I know I mentioned I hate yelling, but I was angry :l) and left the house. Later, he called me and apologized for destroying my drone and offered to either repair it or buy a new one out of his pocket. I said "eh, just buy it." because the drone was too damaged to be repaired. So the aftermath was we made up, he bought me a new drone, and we lived happily ever after c:

Top comments

oj101 33

Your parents are trying to teach you guys to share and co-operate. You should've put the BB gun on the drone and do your own air strikes.

Your brother got a BB gun for your birthday?


Superbaker123 14

If he succeeded, he better be the one paying for it. I would beat my brother's ass if he did that to me.

I wouldn't care if he's my brother or not, if that happened, i would still beat the living christ out of him.

You had better hope that the drone was registered with the FAA and the BB gun was legal in Cali. Otherwise there will be many legal issues

Holy sweet shit, this got posted! Hello guys, OP here! I was angry when making this FML that I left out some pretty important details :P So here we go. My bro and I were having an argument about something stupid, and it escalated pretty bad. I hate full on yell-fests, so I left the scene and decided to fly my drone to relax. My brother, on the other hand, somehow got drunk and thought it would be a good idea to shoot my drone with his BB gun for revenge (no, he didn't get it on my b-day nor are we twins. He had it for a while). Long story short, he loaded the gun and shot my drone several times over. I yelled at him for like 10 seconds (I know I mentioned I hate yelling, but I was angry :l) and left the house. Later, he called me and apologized for destroying my drone and offered to either repair it or buy a new one out of his pocket. I said "eh, just buy it." because the drone was too damaged to be repaired. So the aftermath was we made up, he bought me a new drone, and we lived happily ever after c:

He was able to shoot down your drone while drunk with a BB gun? You need to learn some evasive maneuvers! What the hell kind of BB gun is that?

I don't even know how he managed to do so :U

Family arguments can ridiculously escalate over nothing, but I'm glad your brother is doing the right thing and making up for a really bad lapse in judgment.

"Happily ever after"... until one of you does something that pisses off the other again. You're siblings, it's bound to happen again eventually!

tounces7 27

Is this a BB gun or a .22 Rifle we're talking about here?

At least it's positive that your brother is man enough to apologize, takes responsibility and offers to get it fixed or buy you a new one.

geniusness 6

To be fair, this is a fairly logical series of events given the objects at hand and that you're brothers.

I'm honestly pretty impressed at his shooting skills, especially after the follow-up. Sorry OP :P