By mrmatt008 - 17/07/2009 12:07 - France

Today, I got back to work from a 3 week vacation. My boss had asked me to get him something so when I returned I presented him with a shotglass with the British flag on it. I later found out that he is a recovering alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 041
You deserved it 7 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's probably no way you could've known that, so I think he'll appreciate the gesture :)

he doesnt have to use it for drinking, he could use it for like a decoration


I think it's obnoxious that your boss ASKED you to get him something. Like, you already work for him, why should you have to buy him presents? He should be grateful you got him anything at all.

nemonaki 0

Sure, OP works for him already, but it's not like it's out of the goodness of his heart -- he gets paid for it! Anyway, obviously if the OP actually went out and bought something for the guy he likes his boss a little. Not all bosses are terrible people. And anyway, maybe the boss just mentioned it in passing, as a joke, not really expecting to hold the OP to it.

I'd say your boss deserves it for asking you to get him a gift on your vacation. Seriously. Who asks for gifts?

tell him to use it as a toothpick holder

Or an espresso shotglass. Change for the vending machine. Paperclips.

theycallmenell 0

Ily 2 xD oh and fyl seriously how the hell were u supposed to know?

skierguy 0

Meh, whatever. You didn't know.

lol, your boss deserved it for having been an alcoholic

caticaticati 3

**** off, that's not a choice, people whose parents are more likely to be alcoholics because it can run in the family, and although it is possible to develop the disease (yes, DISEASE), generally it's something you're born with. AND he said his boss is a RECOVERING alcoholic. Recovering is used for any alcoholic that has stopped drinking, no matter how long they've been sober, because you are never cured. My dad hasn't had a drink in 13 years and is a recovering alcoholic. Being a recovering alcoholic and actually succeeding in staying sober is an insanely amazing thing - only about 10 percent of those who go into treatment or AA succeed in staying sober. OP's boss is probably a better person than you could ever be.

This one is not that bad. Some people collect shot glasses whether they drink or not. In Nauvoo, IL (Mormonville), they have shot glasses with the temple on them.

Gingerly 0

Tell him it's a fancy british tea candle holder, it could work.

My family seems to have a propensity for alcoholism. To call it a disease is to glorify their stupid asses by taking away the accountability. It's not a disease. Neither is gluttony for the food ******. I'm so sick of this shit!