By Anonymous - 22/12/2009 01:30 - Canada

Today, I got fed up with the amount of hair on my feet, so I went to get my foot hair waxed off. When I removed my socks, the waxer laughed the amount of foot hair. I'm a 18 year old female and it appears I have feet that were last seen on Big Foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 064
You deserved it 4 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are you doing waxing your feet?! Get the ring to Mordor and destroy it!

I HATE people like that! Immature bastards, the lot of them. This is why i prefer doing personal hair-care at home. I risk not doing it right, but at least I'll keep everyone from looking at me and laughing at me because that's how my hair NATURALLY grows! FYL indeed, OP.


wolflove225 10

Lolz you'll be fine I'm a 18 year old female and I'm 5 foot even w/ hairy feet being called Big foot is far better then always being an hobbit

Next time just do it at home. I do all my hair care stuff in the privacy if my own home :]

Sounds like you're turning into a hobbit

When I find hair on my toes I just shave them like I shave my legs.