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By Anonymous - 13/10/2010 15:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I got fined when my fat dog decided to walk across a private film set to get at the catering area. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 030
You deserved it 10 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

davek 36

YDI, if your dog is out in public it should be on a lead.

Did you find out what set it was? A friend and I once sneaked onto the set of a movie basically just because we could. We pretended to be extras for the whole day and never got caught.


davek 36

YDI, if your dog is out in public it should be on a lead.

mintcar 9

Wait... I think "lead" is the British term. Don't pay any attention to my above comment.

Spot on, thank you. Also, yes, 'lead' is the correct term. People around the world do sometimes speak differently to Americans ;)

Ya a dog should be on a leash, especially if it clearly doesn't listen to you... learn to be responsible. YDI - A pet is a liability.

sourgirl101 28

I agree. I don't understand why people can't take better care of their pets. Not giving them proper exercise and feeding them cheap food, loaded with fillers?! Huge pet peeve of mind.

sourgirl101 28

This FML is acting up. Why are there 2 different people posted as #3 When you switch back and forth?

sourgirl101 28

Iicaptain, you dog! You come up with some crazy thoughts sometimes. (: What a wicked mind you got there.

ikeoni, I'm not sure to whom your comment was directed, but I can assure you that whoever it is will not shut up. This comment section is here for a reason, and the MFD (Mighty FML Deity) saw fit to create the comment section such that one can reply to the original post or to any of the comments. Do you think you are wiser than the omnipotent MFD? I think not.

sourgirl101 28

Ssssssssh..........sugar! Docbastard, I was going to say something, but these FML posts are getting all screwed up so it might not be in the right place. Besides, it can't be me he's speaking to. I'm so sweet!(:

NancyDeebensDPDS 0

sourgirl, some dogs and breeds are born with more body fat and are natrually chubby, so it's not necessarily the owners fault. Some people actually exercise them (the pet) regularally, but their pet is still obese. Most likely because at birth they were born with more body fat then others.

first get your dog to respect you and you wouldn't have these issues. why's the dog fat by the way?

Did you find out what set it was? A friend and I once sneaked onto the set of a movie basically just because we could. We pretended to be extras for the whole day and never got caught.

#14 I know, I know. I'm sorry! For some reason, I thought it was banal story time. :P Does it make it even a fraction more interesting if I tell you it was the set of Twilight? (Seriously. I'm more than a little embarrassed to admit it...)

#22 I know you were kidding! Goodness. :P Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart walked right past me, but I didn't have a weapon on hand at the time. What a pity. I could have stopped the whole series!

#27 Oh, I've definitely learned my lesson. Let it be known that I carry a sharpened wooden stake with me at all times. Vampires and creepers alike beware!

You should have beaten that Kirsten Fugly girl's ass and spared us of 4 awful movies and hordes of crazy fan-teenagers. I don't like you anymore.

#42 I don't particularly like you either. :)

Actually, the fact that it was Twilight does make it more impressive. I'm surprised security didn't just tase any younger-looking females and ask questions later. ;)  

#57 Yay for haters! I'm flattered. #60 Bahaha! Good point, Jane. The security was pretty tight, so the fact that I managed to sneak on set surprised even me.

MetalFish 0

I don't understand why girls insist that the twilight lead female actor is ugly, I wouldn't kick her out of bed, regardless of what crappy film she is in!

I don't think she's ugly. But I'm bi, so...I guess I'm biased?

^ This. I can't think of a reason why you don't deserve this.

I know this has been said before but that picture of yours nerds gets me hot

1. Get a leash 2. Stop feeding your dog table scraps

dlt you're right on point. If your dog was on a leash and didn't eat human food this wouldn't have happened. If your dog was trained and not a fatty you could have got away without either because your dog would've listened to you. YDI, poor doggy

Master_Of_Sand 0

Well, if you wouldn't jack off so much, this wouldn't have happened!!! It's your own fault and you know it. You fail at life.

Master_Of_Sand 0
hobosareawesome 0