By Anonymous - 03/09/2010 21:00 - United States

Today, I got fired for taking time off to see my sister in the hospital after she got in a car accident. Before I got fired, I found out my boss took time off because her horoscope said she should. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 663
You deserved it 2 667

Same thing different taste


Hmmm.... you're boss's horoscope tomorrow will say: "Quit your job while you're ahead. If you're not a head already, become one. Then then give head jobs. But don't quit that job while you're a head. And have a positive attitude. Take some one in a hospital flowers."

jay4who7 0

well on the bright side u now know ur boss will do what his/her horoscope says.So get creative & get some REVENGE! : ]

stevs 0

Send a note to your bitch boss telling her that you will be advising her clients how she treats her employees. What a bitch .... you'll be better off working elsewhere.

kristineszLIFE 0

Maybe you took too many days off on stupid shit.YDI,&btw pay attention to yourself

FYL for sure. But, being boss like that, you get to take time off whenever. That's the way it goes. Good luck finding another job!

530boy 0

horoscopes are for obese people lol.

Erindub 0

Well now you don't have to be around your nut job boss. win win!