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Better luck next time

By Anonymous - 16/07/2019 14:30

Today, nine weeks after giving birth, my husband and I finally tried to have sex since a friend was watching the baby. Not only could I not get wet due to hormones, but as soon as he got back from buying lube, his drunk brother called needing a ride from the bar. No sex for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 221
You deserved it 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

krowjpg 3

you could give a woman an infection using corn starch. dont do this.

Husband needs to get his priorities straight. Has he heard of taxis and Uber❔


if you ever need lube in a pinch put 1 cup of water and 4 teaspoons of corn starch in a small sauce pan and bring it to a boil, mix it for about 30 seconds while it's really going and let it chill for a bit afterwards. Knowing this has saved me a ton of money and time

krowjpg 3

you could give a woman an infection using corn starch. dont do this.

it's entirely water soluble, and I've used it for years

Husband needs to get his priorities straight. Has he heard of taxis and Uber❔

frustratedmama126 2

OP here, his brother was drunk to the point where an Uber wouldn't have picked him up. Flat ground was a challenge for him to navigate. On another note, someone watched the baby the next Friday and he called again. Pretty sure the kid will be in school before I have sex. FML x2