By Anonymous - 20/09/2010 14:33 - United States

Today, I got fired from my recently acquired job at a doctor's office because I don't "agree with family values". The way I'm disrespecting their "family values"? I'm gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 343
You deserved it 22 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unlawful termination lawsuit. Have fun homophobic ex-boss!


I agree with #10. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen. They can't fire you for being gay. I would take it up with someone if that's a job you really want/need.

you act like people accept gays but noboby likes you and your goin to hell

uh ya. If u got something proving they fired u cause' of ur sexual pref u won't need that job for a while... sue them bitches.

Sonfang 19

OP that sucks :( there's no reason to fire you for sexual preference....i'd sue :( hope you sue their pants off :)

Glad I live in the UK, cos that's plain illegal over here. You could take them to industrial tribunal and their 'family values' would cut no ice.

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Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

pretty sure being fired for being homosexual is illegal...