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By Anonymous - 05/05/2012 21:16 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, my husband and I went on vacation. We got lost and had to ask the locals for directions to our hotel. Neither of us could understand their accents, and we ended up wandering around blindly for hours until we made it back on our own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 821
You deserved it 20 825

Same thing different taste


crackz12 10

Or gps assuming your means of posting this while on vacation is a phone

One word : Vacation. unless the whole intent of the vacation was to hang out in the hotel.

twerp21 3

But then it wouldn't be as fun

Nobody uses a map nowadays. It's a gps.

Jakesterk96 8

^ One word, three letters. Unless you say what GPS actually stands for.

ajourdhui 0

6 words, 1 emoticon: Everyone shut the **** up please :)

GovernorGeneral 8


btnhdude 0

77 didn't actually break the combo.

GovernorGeneral 8

One word: everyoneshutthefuckupandstopcountingwords

Idonebeenhad 17

Who gives a **** how many words: I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the MAAP!

It was actually the twerp at number 42 who broke the combo.

uJelly24 1

I don't think that's one word.

One word that's better than any others. Penis.

It's always a good idea to think about these things beforehand. Couldn't you buy a map from a store?

I agree, not to mention the fact that this FML could've ended in a much more entertaining fashion. Couldn't you have added something about wild animals, angry hobos, or nude men with spears getting tazed in the park?

thatoneguy79 10

Or maybe being hugged by a stranger that smelled like pee, but with a local accent.

If there's a place you got to go I'm the one you need to know I'm the Map I'm the Map I'm the Map If there's a place you got to get I can get you there I bet I'm the Map!

chester75 5

At least your home safely, that's what really matter :)

OhDearBetrayal 25

After all the corrections made on this site, after all of the Grammar Nazi members to proclaim their beliefs... One always finds someone who insists on not learning the differences between your and you're.

thatoneguy79 10

They like to bitch about the grammar Gestapo, but don't bother to see what they are bitching about. A bit like yelling at a wall for being in your way while continuing to run into it repeatedly, over and over.

chester75 5

I'm aware of the difference, I was too tired to track down the sneaky apostrophe and shove it up there. However, I do see some poor confused soul had already shoved it up your ass :D

But yet you were awake enough to 'track down the sneaky apostrophe' and show it into 'that's'? Good logic there :)

OhDearBetrayal 25

In the words of a broski, "Roasted!"

Also, if you had written "youre" instead of "your," we could have POSSIBLY forgiven YOUR perceived ignorance. Sounds like YOU'RE just making lame excuses.

Since we are all ganging up on this person... 3- You put, "that's what really matter." When it should be, "that's what really matters."

"after all of the Grammar Nazi members to proclaim their beliefs" hypocrisy.

OhDearBetrayal 25

132- I think someones going a little word-happy because it seems like you don't know the meaning of the word hypocrisy to be using it like that.

bizarre_ftw 21

102 - thank you, that was actually bugging more than the "your" I mean, if you mix up "your" and "you're" you're stupid, okay, that's not always your fault - however that doesn't mean we'll go any easier on you nor will the argument to fix you lose any fuel, but still Not putting in an "s" is just lazy and worthy of a slow death in a small cage hanging over the side of a cliff above aligators while small children pummel you with stones

shanemaximo 7

You couldn't get them to draw it out for you?

amandajlucas2015 2

It is called vacation.. U should have just enjoyed the scenery instead of bitching about bein lost.. Look at the glass half full:)

yoursucklives 36

i'd really like to know where you two where wandering around. scottland maybe!?

Regardless of where they were, I can sympathize. Whale is one of the hardest dialects to understand.

26 - They were looking for 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney?

35- ESCAPAY. Kinda sounds like escape...

it doesn't say on the phone app

not on mine. i don't use the iPhone

If you are going to insult a nation, at least spell it right. Scotland.

YummiGummi 0

You can READ! I can read! I can read!

35 - ha that's exactly what I was going for


kayla_ann0o 9

Well at least you made it back and got to see all the town or place you were staying at.

stevenJB 25

I always learn to say a few basic phrases on the language of the place I'm going to avoid situations such as these...maybe you all should try that.

They said the accents were difficult, implying they knew the language. Reading: it's our friend.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Not necessarily. The people may have been using broken English with a thick accent and that's why they couldn't understand. Like when I can't understand people from NYC. They're speaking my language but I have nooooo idea what they're saying...

8 said in the language of the place. Which, in the case of NYC is still English. So which other language would you want to learn a few phrases in before going to NYC?

xStaciexLynnx 15

You missed the point. I wasn't saying you should learn another language to go to NYC. I was saying you can be speaking the same language and not understand because of accents (the native people may have been speaking English to them and they didn't understand anyway).

In New Zealand they speak English, but they have this thick accent, and they pronounce things differently.

You didn't have a map or a GPS or something?

kayla_ann0o 9

Obviously not if she couldn't find her way back.

Think on the bright side- you got to explore the town :)

amandalillian 27

Exactly, some of the best times I have had whilst travelling is when I just got lost for a little bit... I mean mind you everything in moderation but still. The real culture is hardly ever in the guide book