By Anonymous - 03/12/2010 14:41 - United States

Today, I got fired from the job I'd had for eleven years for going onto Facebook while on the clock. When I got home, I saw that my boss had updated his status, from work, to "Finally fired that bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 030
You deserved it 10 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, he used that as an excuse, but hated you for other reasons. Way to suck at your job, OP.

And that's why he's the boss and you are not. If you're ever able to find a job again, try NOT wasting your company's time and just do your ******* work that they are paying you to do.


ameliabeth09 0

Pretty bad boss if you ask me.. Not professional at all..fhl for being an ahole.. Good luck finding a new job OP

that's ok 90 you're still Canadian so nothing to worry about :)

jckbco 0

never friend co- workers or bosses

TheSofaKing 7

Get a copy of his Facebook comment and do not retaliate. Go find a lawyer, most have a free hour consultation. Tell the lawyer why you were fired and show the copy of the facebook post and when it was posted. Be honest about any disiplinary actions your received. Do you have copies of the companies computer/internet policies? His facebook post shows he was out to get you and that he posted while at work and fired you while posting at work. The lawyer may tell you if your case is worth suing or not. If your case is not worth suing for, ask for advise on what to say/do/write while filing for unemployment or if you should contact other workers rights agencies. Your case may not be worth a lawsuit or get your job back, but if you contact the right people, and show the copy of the facebook post while your boss was at work, you may be able to put the company/your ex bosses nuts in a vise. If you can't post on facebook, neither should your boss. What is your former companies computer/internet policies? Most companies have policies on what you can send or write on the computer and what types of web sites you can visit. Ten years ago I stated a job as an apprentice electrician. An apprenticeship is a training program. At the new company, the electricians, mechanics and the boss were at each others throats. After a month, I was fired because I was expected to know things that only a journeyman electrician knows. When I filed for unemployment, I told the unemployment office that I was hired to be an first year apprentice but was expected to have journeyman experience and about the work enviroment. Six weeks later, I was offered my job back. I turned them down because I started a new apprenticeship. Turns out that the company wanted someone with journeyman experience but wanted to pay only first year apprentice wages.

good job ****** off at work why was he your facebook friend and your boss dumbass

ok for **** sakes ppl stop being so god Danm rude .she lost her job ..that's terrible .and all because she messed up once..her boss didn't even give her a chance to explain or even tell her to knock it off. seriously ppl shut the **** up ..if you lost your job for whatever reason u wouldn't be so happy being spoken to like that .pce !

lamamaster69 0

Take him down too. If he posted it from work, then save the web page. He called you a bitch, and also updated his status on facebook. Which was the reason you were fired. Go over his head, maybe you will get your job back or he will lose his. Worth a shot.

Screen cap that, then sue for sexual harassment.