By ugh - 12/03/2010 06:05 - United States

By ugh - 12/03/2010 06:05 - United States
By SCARRED - 29/08/2014 20:15 - United States - Kansas City
By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 16:21 - United States
By NO NO NO - 05/08/2013 21:42 - Netherlands - Den Haag
By bob - 05/02/2011 12:02 - United States
By kikuhime - 17/01/2021 02:01
By Oh... - 26/07/2019 16:00 - Australia
By meeranda - 01/01/2010 05:07 - France
By peaaaak - 03/06/2011 10:17 - United Kingdom
By madisonnkelly - 06/07/2015 03:18 - United States - Dallas
By chantelle - 12/03/2021 21:01 - Australia - Sydney
you have awesome parents lol
The OP should save up that workin' money and get a place of their own so they will NEVER have to see that again.
this is disturbing I'm now going to puke repeatedly
bahahaahahhhahaahahahaa. that's so funny. xD ahahaha. ew
i think that makes op an official **** blocker
ewww ahh couldn't even try to imagine my parents doing that next time just don't come home if you get off early.
I'm glad that they have fun and love each other a lot. I feel terrible fr you that u had to see it. keep that stuff for when the kiddies are gone and not comin home for sure! plus what if someone happened to stop over?!? awkward! here's to hoping they close the blinds!
For op's sake I hope they weren't playing freeze tag.
agreed. I wish my rents were still in love like that
well it's a whole lot better than seeing them fighting
that must have been a sight
OHH damn
27th ! ;)
I know you're probably traumatized, OP, but I gotta laugh at this one. XD
Glad they still have a little fire in their furnace!
"My life is f***ed. Today I found out my parents still love each other....."
It's unfortunate how many people take that for granted :(
Well you know it is a little scarring to see your parents running around the house naked...
Did you bang on the door yelling; Police open up!!
Not cool man, you don't cockblock your parents. Not unless you want to get turkey slapped and anally penetrated. Which will happen to you if you don't STFU with your Victorian bullshit.
lmfao thats sucks
Time to move out..! You will be thinking about possible sexual acts involving your parents in every part of the house now. Yes, including your room.
Glad they still have a little fire in their furnace!