By meeranda - 01/01/2010 05:07 - France

By meeranda - 01/01/2010 05:07 - France
By kikuhime - 17/01/2021 02:01
By Garfield - 21/01/2016 04:41 - Canada - Toronto
By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States
By ugh - 12/03/2010 06:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/03/2015 10:30 - United States - Cincinnati
By GoldenTornado11 - 10/05/2017 14:00
By ifeeldirty - 27/10/2011 12:22 - United States
By eatmyshipoopie - 18/12/2009 15:20 - United Kingdom
By ohdeargodthatswrong - 09/01/2010 13:25 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 09/11/2020 21:32 - India
@63- That was pretty fail.
Bro - you have no idea how ******* hungry I am.
what's doggie style?
ask ur mom #75 lmao
hah best position
Best? whathapoened to missionary?
I agree with #2 sluzzzzaaaaa
doggy's beast. when my gma walked in I was riding my bf. I thought shed have a heart attack
same thing happened to me with my gma hahaha her fake teeth fell out... p.s. she's not a ****! sex happens(:
Cool story *****
There's a thing called "pin tumbler lock". No, it's not a position from the Kama Sutra, but you might want to learn how to use it... it prevents anyone walking in on you.
lol that's awesome....the style that is! :D
lmao...and you dad doesn't like him why?
Probably because they were caught having sex or they found out they were...
If your parents can still tell you who you can or cannot see, you're not supzd to be even ******* Thats makes this that much worse, definitely FYL
That really depends on the parents... I know people who are 18 or 20 and because they live at home while going to uni, their parents still try and tell them what to do and who they can see - does this mean they're too young to be having sex? I think not
My partners mother is very controlling and he's almost 20... He still has a curfew of 10 but only when he's with me.
you were cought, so might as well kept on getting ******
loool you gotta point
Plus, your dad is a cat person, right? What's the big deal about doggie-style anyways? My wife and I do that all the time -- I beg and she rolls over and plays dead.
If your parents can still tell you who you can or cannot see, you're not supzd to be even ******* Thats makes this that much worse, definitely FYL