By PictureLess - 10/01/2010 17:14 - United States

Today, I got home from a family trip to Disney World. I had taken nearly 300 photos of our trip on my new digital camera. As our car pulled into the driveway, I was using my camera to try to delete one unflattering shot of me. I accidentally deleted every picture off the memory card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 841
You deserved it 38 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What?! Every digital camera I've used has a confirmation step, so that you would have had to hit 'yes' or something like it twice to avoid situations just like the one the OP had.

I would have cried. Honest. I love taking pictures and I would hate for the same thing to happen to me.


iloveblackshirt6 0

on my camera, theres a thing that says 'undo delete' when you delete something. so if you have that, you could have pressed it. but its probably a different camera. and that really sucks. you should take the vacation again :]

aahhaa! tht suukkss. hopefully someone else too piccss or else ur screwed. least you didn't leave your camera there =/

u must be an idiot to delete everything but I still hav'nt been to disney world

CrisisChild 0

Hook it up to a computer, the images should all appear in a trash folder and you can recover them from there.

I feel your pain OP, I've done the same thing myself.

yeah its somehow impossible to lose them forever. there is a way.

The data is still there until the space is used again. I heard once of a criminal who was able to cover his tracks by filling his hard drive full of Whitney Houston songs. Still, I have 3 programs for data card recovery and didn't pay a penny for any them.

rooskieroo 0
SouLEater_fml 0

25cent per pic and ill recover them all :D

Obviously you are too dumb to use a digital camera. YDI