By Anonymous - 09/04/2017 16:00

Today, I got in an argument with my wife. I told her that I feel like she immediately disagrees with anything I say. She immediately disagreed and said she never does that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 915
You deserved it 714

Same thing different taste

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Stiggy626 25


mariri9206 32

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This reminds me of when I was a teenager. Whenever I would try to give a counterpoint to my parents' point of view, they simply told me I was being argumentative. There really is no way to respond to that accusation and be heard, so it's kind of an unfair situation to put someone in. Granted, in my case it was often true (I had some attitude issues), but it never made for productive conversation, because there's no way to respond to accusations other than a defense. Statements framed as "when you blank, I felt blank" are usually better conversation starters.

JadeMinu 10

I'm in the same boat OP. Best thing you can do, is to just not stress over that. It can get infuriating, i know, but at the end of the day, is it really worth arguing about?

What sort of things are you disagreeing on? If she's disagreeing to do things that are financially irresponsible or otherwise potentially dangerous, getting upset with her for that is a bit silly. If she's disagreeing to do things that are beneficial, then yes that is a problem. If the two of you are disagreeing about opinions like whether or not the latest Batman movie was any good... you can have different opinions on stuff like that. Opening the conversation like that wasn't the best choice, either.

Sharon W 1

LOLOLOL I am guilty of this!!