By feeldumb - 11/06/2009 04:33 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with a 7 year old. He said that Obama was the 44th President, I said he was the 42nd. Guess who was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 096
You deserved it 86 353

Same thing different taste

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Actually, neither of them was right. Obama is technically the 43d President... Grover Cleveland was the only U.S President to serve two NON-consecutive terms, and therefore he was counted as TWO presidents. So, if you choose to be technical (Like me), Obama is the 43d.

Don't get in arguments with seven year olds. He probably read it off a poster at school. The end.


Give the guy a break. I don't know this either (am not American though). It's a detail that can be looked up if needed, if I hear it i remember it and then forget it straight away because it's not IMPORTANT. Now if he as an American citizen doesn't know how the presidential elections work or what the president can and can't do that would be a FHE (**** his education), but seriously - that's a detail that can be looked up. It's not crucial to know this, but it is crucial to know what the president does and how the elections work. You wouldn't believe how many Americans I know that think they directly elect their president. If you're not in school and don't get graded on this knowledge you tend to forget things like that. As long as you get the big picture, what's the problem if you think he was the 42nd and he is actually the 44th? As long as OP doesn't think he is, like, the 200th and the US have existed since, like, 1200something... now that would make quite a difference in American history ;) But then, if you're not sure, why argue with a 7-years old who probably /just/ learned this at school, unless you're absolutely sure he learned it wrong and can prove that with sources right away? It's not so bad you got this number slightly wrong, but that you argued with the kid about it... definitely YDI. You should've said "okay, if that's what your teacher says, I stand corrected", and that's it. When I was a child and knew more of something than an adult, I absolutely hated when they insisted they were right, picked fights about it and whatnot, only to avoid having to admit that they don't know and I did. Admitting you don't know/are not sure earns you more respect than picking fights about it. That doesn't only hold for kids. Learn to admit your ignorance, or if you're not sure about random facts like this, don't speak up.

what has happened to fml? this is pathetic

Renfamous 0

I'm confused as to what exactly qualifies Obama as "one of the greatest presidents ever". He's been in office six months and managed to accomplish little other than putting our great-grandchildren into debt and filling the national government with corrupt and incompetent politicians. I can only assume that you people know nothing about him and only consider him "great" because he is black. THAT is racism.

Does it really matter? o.O Americans are weird.

NEVER and I mean NEVER argue with a 7 year old. There is no chance of you winning even if u are right.

Well you deserved since your a complete retard

nikki1001 0

#38: Well clearly you know nothing about crisis communications. Apologizing is a way to connect with those who already hate America, to build a relationship and gain trust and understanding to prevent future attacks. It's actually a great strategy in protecting the country. #54: Really? Obama is the only one to do this? What about all of Bush's scandals? Hell, what about ALL the politicians from the last few years? It's pretty much what the entire country has come down. So don't try to act like Obama started some sort of corrupt trend--it's been happening way longer. And tbh, pretty sure Bush (or some would say Clinton) put us in debt (hello, trillion dollar war anyone?) Obama just walked into it.

Technically he was the 43rd, since the 22nd and 24th were the same guy. You were both wrong.

This is what happens when we argue with someone who's still in school. I remember pulling crap like that on my parents when I was that age - asking them random trivia or science that I learned in school that I figured there'd be no way in heck (nope, I didn't ******' swear back) that they'd remember.