By feeldumb - 11/06/2009 04:33 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with a 7 year old. He said that Obama was the 44th President, I said he was the 42nd. Guess who was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 096
You deserved it 86 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Actually, neither of them was right. Obama is technically the 43d President... Grover Cleveland was the only U.S President to serve two NON-consecutive terms, and therefore he was counted as TWO presidents. So, if you choose to be technical (Like me), Obama is the 43d.

Don't get in arguments with seven year olds. He probably read it off a poster at school. The end.


Good thing you never went on that show are you smarter than a 5th grader because you would lose badly.

Who cares just change the subject really fast, and pretend it never happened.

wow. YDI. you should know how many presidents your country has had. YDI big time.

#29 and 82: You guys are assholes. #76: FTW. OP: Based on your intelligence, I'm betting your an uneducated scumbag living off of welfare? Go to school and get an education.

eeee93757 0

87: You were looking for "you're." You probably shouldn't be insulting anybody's education when you don't know the differences between your/you're.

isthisonetaken 0

#58 my problem with obama is that he is trying to change lot of what has made America so successful over the past 2 centuries. these bailouts are just to give the government more power of the businesses. the whole point of a market economy is for business to run without the interferance of the goernment. when one business falls because it was being run poorly and unethical, another business that does tings the right wa will rise. and his attempt to socialize medicine is absurd. i lived in canada for 27 years and socialized medicine sucks. and your comment about the other poster saying bush was the big problem and that obama is trying to fix his mistakes, the economy didn't get bad until the democrats took over the house and senate in 2006. kind of hard to get things passed in congress when the people who work with you have a completely different idea of how things should work.

Hahahaha least you know that the schools are doing their job

suaveneanderthal 0

#89 the economy didn't fall from one president and things are gonna have to get worse before they get better. The reason all our daughters are gonna be sex slaves of the chinese one day is that our country chose a credit system that god only knows how we thought could hold up. But it doesn't matter anyway because in 50 years all the gas will be gone and in 150 years we will have either blown ourselves back into the stone age or disease will have taken us all anyway.

shirvon100 0

kids say tha darnest things lol