By feeldumb - 11/06/2009 04:33 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with a 7 year old. He said that Obama was the 44th President, I said he was the 42nd. Guess who was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 096
You deserved it 86 353

Same thing different taste

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Actually, neither of them was right. Obama is technically the 43d President... Grover Cleveland was the only U.S President to serve two NON-consecutive terms, and therefore he was counted as TWO presidents. So, if you choose to be technical (Like me), Obama is the 43d.

Don't get in arguments with seven year olds. He probably read it off a poster at school. The end.


smiley_girl 0

@ op that sucks but I remeber pulling stuff like that whenever I'd come home from school b/c in the real world why does it matter if? ohter people Obama = 6 months in office; other presidents collectivley= 2792 months in office Every other presidents first 6 months of spending COMBINED < Obama spending. C'mon the guys an idiot, who throws money at problems @ 58 a trillion dollar war is worth my freedom and saftey... more than half atrillion given to companys who should've failed or got back up on there own (thus making it worse for the consumer, anyone hear of a free market) not worth it at ALL@ 29 thats hilarious good joke

Renfamous 0

@nikki1001 the uneducated leftist argument that Obama has a right to run the country into the ground because Bush did the same will not work on me because I am not a Bush supporter. Just because the last guy peed in our cheerios doesn't mean the new guy has a right to crap on our toast.

nikki1001 0

I didn't say Obama can do it cause Bush did. I said Obama didn't start some trend of doing it, it's been done, so you can't sit here telling me how awful Obama is for doing it when he's not the first one. Nothing's going to change overnight. He has 4 years. And he didn't run the country into the ground, it was already there when he was elected. Freedom and safety from the war?!! Are you kidding?! Holy shit, I have no words.

How do you feel about being owned by a 7-year-old? ******, apparently, 'cause you submitted this on FML. Shallow. FML is getting lamer. D:

Hahaha. That's so funny! And you're stupid. YDI for being ignorant of American history.

you sir are a dumbass who should pay a little closer attention to the news.

@#64 / nikki1001 "I didn't say Obama can do it cause Bush did. I said Obama didn't start some trend of doing it, it's been done, so you can't sit here telling me how awful Obama is for doing it when he's not the first one. Nothing's going to change overnight. He has 4 years. And he didn't run the country into the ground, it was already there when he was elected." Are you ******* retarded? Everything that you just said is "Obama can be bad because Bush was". "you can't sit here telling me how awful Obama is for doing it when he's not the first one" Seriously, go die in a fire. You're basically telling us we can't say Obama is bad because he's not the only one that is bad?

Gosh I even knew he was 44th! Clinton was 42nd! Hmm... Well at least you learned so you wouldn't do something dumb like have that argument with another adult! Man that'd be an uber FYL lol.

#50, #54: He's leading this country back to greatness having inherited Bush's disasterous economic and foreign affairs blunders. How do I know that he's one of the greatest presidents ever? I just have more foresight than you! #59: Grover Cleveland is counted as the 22nd AND 24th president, and this has been the convention for more than a century. The counting of the list nowhere requires the members to be unique.