By Godsfavourite - 14/09/2011 05:42 - Australia

Today, I got kicked off the train because I refused to stand for an old lady who wanted to sit down. There was an empty seat right next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 894
You deserved it 7 296

Godsfavourite tells us more.

Godsfavourite 4

The train had those seats that run parallel with the walls of the train, not the window and aisle seats. And I tell you know that the lady was just one of those people that looks down their nose at most youth. I was in no way disrespectful to her and when I pointed out the seat next to me and she went and told the security guards that I refused to stand up for her. It's messed up, man. OP

Top comments

saIty 17

That's right, fight for your damn chair. We can't let the elderly win at everything.


I would always give up my seat for someone who asked, especially the elderly. I agree with everyone who said that OP should have just moved to the empty seat. Why she would fight about a freaking seat to the point where she gets kicked off the train is beyond me.

It may be polite to move for the elderly, but I would never give another dime of my money to a company that would kick you off the train for not doing so.

FYL indeed, the old bitch probably couldn't see five feet in front of her anyway.

Did any of you high and mighty people think that maybe the empty seat next to her was on the aisle side, so why would she need to stand up or move over for that old lady?

You gotta respect old people.. But this is just stupid LOL ?

fugdeamania 0

Is that allowed? I mean if it's the law, rules of the train, or he was sitting in the spots designated for disabled and elderly I understand but that usually only happens when there are no available seats open

eln3mo13 8

just curious, wouldn't it have been easier to just shut her up by taking the other seat?

thekrammer 5

Maybe that seat that you were sitting in was her point of peace and perfection in this cruel world.

mylifepwnz 0

Move to the empty seat dumbfuck