By Godsfavourite - 14/09/2011 05:42 - Australia

Today, I got kicked off the train because I refused to stand for an old lady who wanted to sit down. There was an empty seat right next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 894
You deserved it 7 296

Godsfavourite tells us more.

Godsfavourite 4

The train had those seats that run parallel with the walls of the train, not the window and aisle seats. And I tell you know that the lady was just one of those people that looks down their nose at most youth. I was in no way disrespectful to her and when I pointed out the seat next to me and she went and told the security guards that I refused to stand up for her. It's messed up, man. OP

Top comments

saIty 17

That's right, fight for your damn chair. We can't let the elderly win at everything.


sarah56195 0

Im not gonna say you deserved it. But why didn't you move ? She is an old lady. You should learn to respect your elders.

zfchatroulette 24

#147, "respecting your elders" is a bunch of crap, just because some old broad decides she doesn't wanna die yet she thinks she's entitled to having everyone bend over backward trying to do everything she demands even if it's unreasonable because "you have to respect people just because they were born before you, whoever's mom got pregnant first is better."

FarscapeSDC 9

I hate old people. (With notable exceptions) Old person: "Can I have your seat" Young person: "There's an empty one next to me" Old: "I don't want a seat, I want your seat" Young: "Why?" old: "Because I'm old, and I'm entitle to make your life miserable, do nothing to help anyone, and blame you for all the world's problems." Young: "You're a bitch" Old: "Don't disrespect your elders!"

That's ridiculous. Old people are so dumb. I can't believe you actually got kicked off the train for that though?

First I thought you were an asshole but then I didn't