By Dude - 02/04/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, I got laid off from work. I was being escorted to the elevator when another coworker stepped inside. He said, "How goes it?" I said, "It goes." Then he said, "At least we have a job." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 145
You deserved it 3 677

Same thing different taste

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Today, I stopped to talk to a depressed-looking coworker in the elevator. I tried to cheer him up by saying, "At least we still have a job, right?" Turns out he just got laid off. FML

Gondile 4

Today, I was having another hard day at work. I stepped in an elevator to go to lunch, when another co-worker stepped in. I asked him,"How goes it?" He answered,"It goes." I tried to be nice, telling him that at least we had jobs. He told me he was laid off. FML


"today well waiting in the elevator i attempted to cheer up a girl who looked sad, she then proceeded to kick me in the balls, it was after i said "at least we have a job" turns out she just got laid off FML"

This is a VERY bad translation from French. Whoever did this, either doesn't speak english, or it's a ripoff from the French FML.

theoldGP 0

that really sucks. btw who the **** says "it goes?" wtf?

Easy_Target 0

You're not alone, if he knows about FML, he'd be writing one when he found out you'd been laid off. As in "Today, trying to be positive, I told my co-worker 'at least we have a job.' He'd been laid off. FML."

not really going. More like going, going, GONE.

I think that guy also posted an fml after realizing you'd been laid off. i'll look for it and post the link if i can find it

oh my god, some ppl to be silly speak like that. I've said "how goes it" to a colleague that I used to chat with in the lift, I've also used "how is you" it's bad English.. on purpose