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By smashyonewfloors - 31/08/2013 04:44 - Canada - High River

Today, my crew and I were berated by a client for not installing her new hardwood floor on time. We were only halfway through the day, but apparently it should have only taken "like, an hour?" because "The guys on the TV shows do it that fast." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 883
You deserved it 2 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some people need to do research before they do shit like this.

Nolimit2217 32


some people need to do research before they do shit like this.

yeah, you should tell her to prove that it should take that fast.

ohro 10

So, like, you mean those shows aren't real research??

So true! Nobody in there right mind would be able to fit a floor in an hour unless it's a tiny room!

I'd also hope that along with a cost estimate he told her how long it should take to do.

she probably also thinks it only takes an hour to redo a whole house on extreme home makeover...

whiteboy896 9

research? It's common sense really..

But unfortunately it's the clients that pay you.

nattynatters 14

Just because a client pays you doesn't mean she automatically gets to treat you like crap. I bet if customers had ratings about themselves like companies do no one would help the assholes. Not without charging more.

type of client I fire... your $ not worth my sanity.

Nolimit2217 32
K410 18

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Uh, you can definitely blame the client for their stupidity

Redoxx_fml 22
dragonsfireloki 5
myeviltwin 20

The people on tv aren't necessarily stupid. I guess some people just do not realize those shows are heavily edited to cut out all the long boring drudge work parts. I once worked for a guy who's wife actually said that seeing as it was winter we should be moving faster and getting the work done faster. I told her ok you put on 20 pounds of clothing, then strap on 20-30 pounds of tools, then throw about 40-60 pounds of materials over your shoulder and wade through thigh deep snow (with ice underneath) and tell me you are going to move faster. She shut up but you could still see she didn't get what was actually involved in doing the work.

K410 18

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MzZombicidal 36

58, how are the people on TV dumb for editing out the long, boring parts of their work that would turn away viewers? If she had compared a part of her experience with Honey Boo Boo, or some crap, I'd understand your reference, but it was for a construction show, I'm guessing. So there... Hope that explains your lack of up votes.

Yeah, come on, guys. I like, thought you were hard workers.

Infamous_Tora 12

People like her are why warning labels exist.. And why I think we'd be better off without half of the warning labels we have around..

take away the warning labels for the very obvious things, and after a few years it will sort itself out. not as many stupid people.

Lol we should just let natural selection kick in

TheDrifter 23

I say we get rid of all the warning signs except hazardous area, invisible hazards and construction zones. If you can't decide what to do safely without the signs, you don't deserve the warning.

Hate to bring it up however, all thats gonna do is tie up courts with the same litigious dipshits that sued because the warning label wasn't there the first time. Ohhhh common sense, how I miss youuuu (insert catchy tune)

The obvious solution is a mass genocide of all lawyers and then a reintroduction of things like the lawn dart. Also a removal of HOT labels from all hot coffee. Those 3 things will remove a huge portion of what's wrong with the world.

Sometimes, people just watch too much TV :)

"People watch too much TV" - Would you also like to ******* point out that the sky is blue? Or maybe something less obvious like people sit on chairs too much?!

Epikouros 31

Give the client what she wants and just dump the rest of the wood across the floor.

Wizardo 33

I seriously don't understand how people that stupid are still alive, I mean there's not getting work in class stupid and then there's life endangering stupid, this just frustrates me so much.

Reminds me of the movie "Idiocracy". Stupid people will out number the intelligent simply because they breed faster and society coddles them.

TheDrifter 23

We've got one. The dumb is spreading fast and quickly taking over. Now if only it was lethal, our at least horribly painful. Those infected with the dumb seem to be making everyone else suffer more than they do, they're not even usually aware that they're infected.

punjabtimelord 18

This takes a whole new meaning to the phrase 'floor it'. No? Okay.. ( ._.)