By SkyrimGamerMoM - 14/07/2016 19:49 - United States - Verona

Today, I got lost in Darkfall Passage in Skyrim and got so frustrated I turned off the game and cried. Thank you pregnancy hormones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 838
You deserved it 2 113

SkyrimGamerMoM tells us more.

No worries, end result is clear in my mind. This is number two I'm brewing here, have a one year old already. Just got to where I can enjoy games again though lol will have to take another long break once this little one gets here.

Top comments

OnlySkyrimStays 11

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a bun to the oven. In all seriousness though, clairvoyance spell is a Daedrasend. Congrats on the little one!

You can use the spell clairvoyance. Just make sure you only have the objective that's inside the cave highlighted, and it will lead you right to it. If you're trying to find your way out, mark any quest that doesn't have an objective that's inside as active, or if you don't have any active quests, bring up the map and drop a pin anywhere, and it'll lead you to the fastest exit. Good luck!


Just when I get fed up with people on FML I see Skyrim fans and have to smile :D! I feel for you OP, but keep away from online games til the baby comes. It can trigger uber hormonal feelings if your team remotely starts losing lol.

Oh the joys of those pregnancy hormones. I cried during an episode of star trek the next generation. Damn that Jean Luc

LevelupKid 8

Uhhh okay...this more of a personal problem and has nothing to do with anyone or anything other than yourself... how the **** is this an FML?

Wait, the Dawnguard place from hell? I think uesp has maps for that one. (See, if this was Morrowind, you'd just pop a divine/almsivi intervention scroll and be out of there. Vvardenfell mages know better than to risk being lost in some daedric shrine forever)

Feh_250 7

I feel ya. Darkfall Passage is a pain in the rear!

I almist threw my PC out a window. Don't worry. That whole quest made me want to punch several dozen holes into my keyboard. I barely resisted those tempations by proceeding to break a finger by punching the wall. It isn't just you who hates that place lol

Mistymorning16 10

Hormones during my first pregnancy resulted in my husband coming home to me curled up in bed bawling my eyes out because "if I can't keep a fish alive, how am I suppose to take care of a baby!!?" Yup, our fish kept dying. No fault of mine. We finally figured out it was the well water. But hubby hasn't allowed another fish in the house since. I def. can't handle Skyrim while pregnant. Waaaayyy too frustrating.

Man, I do that already AND I'M NOT EVEN PREGNANT!

The_RavingPanda 6