By summinay - 12/11/2011 08:30 - United States

Today, I got married. About five minutes after I got my huge wedding dress on, I had to pee. It took three people to help me not pee on my dress, and my bridesmaids took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 081
You deserved it 10 463

summinay tells us more.

Guys, my dress wasn't elaborately big. It just has many layers. And yeah I've already laughed about it. Haha.

Top comments

Always pee before you put your dress on! Even if you think you don't have to go! Best advice I was given on my wedding day...


I thought that was part of getting married

Should have emptied your bladder before wearing the wedding dress so as to avoid any incidences like this.. but then again how were you suppose to know you needed to pee? But you'll remember it as a funny moment after your wedding

Mipz 2
shrdlu 28

Sounds to me like the OP has true friends who'll help, even in situations like that, and also got married looking picture-perfect. Friends like that also aren't going to show any pictures where they'd embarrass you.

25shark 5

Whats with all the pee FML's today?

25shark 5

Whats with all the pee FML's today?

25shark 5

Whats with all the pee FML's today?

25shark 5

Whats with all the pee FML's today?

25shark 5

Whats with all the pee FML's today?

PrincessC23 0

Same thing happened on my wedding day. You will laugh at it later.