By Anonymous - 12/11/2011 09:27 - Australia

Today, at work, I got chilli powder in my eye. Now not only do I have a swollen, blistered eye, but I am covered in milk as my boss assured me that would help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 102
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just go to the doctor and make your boss drive you there :)

mlebethbear 0

your boss should give you a raise.


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mlebethbear 0

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jillianmathers12 13
TheRealBruce 12

You're covered in "milk" yeah looks like somebody is trying to get a raise

Actually, milk can reduce the "hot" feeling of spices!

Milk is a base it'll help reduce the heat

crackz12 10

Ive gotten pepper sprayed before and milk immediately extinguished the pain. Your boss was right you probably just didnt wash out all the chili power

It helps because both substances are polar, and as you should know, like dissolves like, so milk gets rid of the chili powder

SirObvious 1

We are clearly neglecting how great of a comedian #16 is.

m0tl3ycru3 0

No your not sorry! You secretly were laughing inside

Just go to the doctor and make your boss drive you there :)

sailorzoe 14

I thought all the scene kids had grown up to be hipsters already? You are the lone scene kid!!! Hahaha

BeYourAlphaMale 0

I actually like scene kids. They are alot more fun and unique than hipsters.

Scene girls are freakin' hot and really cool.. So stfu

Its funny in how in sailorzoes description, it says don't be stereotypical, yet that is what shes being..

CVeNgineer 0

Howd you manage to get chili powder in your eye?

m0tl3ycru3 0

Step 3: start screaming in pain

Haha I don't know why you would put milk in your eye. It's called water dumbass. Don't do everything people tell you

The dumbass here is you unfortunately. Milk has a compound called casein that dissolves the chemical that causes the burning. Water doesnt, water just thins the shit out and spreads the burn around more.

The dumbass here is you unfortunately. Milk has a compound called casein that dissolves the chemical that causes the burning. Water doesnt, water just thins the shit out and spreads the burn around more.

Jcforbes happens to be right. I'd be more careful going around calling people dumbass when you have no idea what the **** you're talking about.

mlebethbear 0

your boss should give you a raise.

I'm pretty sure chili powder is meant for food consumption only. Why you would put it anywhere near your eyes is beyond me. At least your boss cares enough to throw milk at your face.

Here's what you do: stomp on his foot, then kick him in the balls assuring him you "thought it would help". Then Quit.

What the **** is wrong with you he thought milk would help because it helps when you consume it plus getting hit in the balls is one of the most painful thing that can happen to someone

You have no idea how much it hurts to get hit in the balls you haven't even come close to that much pain

swifty632 0

"oh let me help you!" *throws milk on face*.... Milk only works if you consumed it and your tongue is burning, I don't think throwing it in your eye works so well :/

ikickgingers 15

Step one: milk goes in shot glass Step two: put shot glass to eye Step three: tilt head back with shot glass filled with milk Step four: blink Step five: all better, if not...fill shot glass with whiskey and drink Step six: repeat step five as necessary As per Grandpa Kick Not guaranteed to work, but old Irish men know best.

I generally find eating bread, chips (fries) or mashed potato helps for hot chilli, but I don't know about eyes. Meh. Any excuse for mashed potato.