By summinay - 12/11/2011 08:30 - United States

Today, I got married. About five minutes after I got my huge wedding dress on, I had to pee. It took three people to help me not pee on my dress, and my bridesmaids took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 081
You deserved it 10 463

summinay tells us more.

Guys, my dress wasn't elaborately big. It just has many layers. And yeah I've already laughed about it. Haha.

Top comments

Always pee before you put your dress on! Even if you think you don't have to go! Best advice I was given on my wedding day...


Epikouros 31

This is why you should wear an off-white dress.

ACandelaria_209 1

Congratulations on your marriage!!

Well at least you'll have the most unique wedding pictures out there! :)

de2391 7
jennifera 0

You deserved it for not going before you got dressed. Not making sure you use the bathroom before big, long events, especially the biggest day of your life? Stupid.