By Loser - 21/08/2013 15:17 - United States

Today, I got my girlfriend to play Smash Bros Brawl with me. As it was her first time, I set up handicaps to give her at least a shot at winning. She won, quite handily. A little irritated at this, I took off the handicaps and tried again. She beat me even faster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 740
You deserved it 26 286

Same thing different taste


Some people are just naturals at games. I played bf3 for the first time last month and by the end of the week i was in the top 5 highest scores in every match. dont take it personally bro.

YDI for having s girlfriend who had never played Super Smash Bros.

YDI for being such a sore loser. It's really not worth getting irritated over.

You have an awesome gf, why are you annoyed?!?

Bluelephant88 5

I love how he says he set up handicaps so she could have a chance at winning then says he was irritataed when she did win. His girlfriend rocks lol

Ah brawl Wait was she using Wario or Meta Knight? Those guys ar OP


that hurts. my sister and I used to play that game all the time and I felt demoralized if she beat me